Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 17th 2014

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Each time I post a question that has already been answered I get directed to a google page where I have little success in finding the answer I am looking for. I posted a question about the large rose a few moments ago ie: how may layers of petals were applied toward the end of the video and was directed to the google site where a question to Pauls rose appeared. I clicked on to that and was sent straight back to this main website again! Someting something doesn’t seem right here. Sometimes when I get sent to the google site to search for a previously answered question the page has expired then I can’t get back to this website. Perhaps I am donig something wrong. However I’d be grateful if somebody can just answer my question please. Does the final two layers comprise 2×7 petals or 2×7 and 1×9? Many thanks x


Each time I post a question that has already been answered I get directed to a google page where I have little success in finding the answer I am looking for. I posted a question about the large rose a few moments ago ie: how may layers of petals were applied toward the end of the video and was directed to the google site where a question to Pauls rose appeared. I clicked on to that and was sent straight back to this main website again! Someting something doesn’t seem right here. Sometimes when I get sent to the google site to search for a previously answered question the page has expired then I can’t get back to this website. Perhaps I am donig something wrong. However I’d be grateful if somebody can just answer my question please. Does the final two layers comprise 2×7 petals or 2×7 and 1×9? Many thanks x


Hi Bellscakes, I have just had a glance at how Paul was making the rose. I could not quite understand what Paul was saying when he said he put 7 on then went back to putting a further 7 on. Before that he had put 9 petals on.
Hope that answers your question!


Thanks candy1
Well I ended putting on x2 layers of 7 and 2 layers of 9 and ended up with a really nice full rose which is still drying. One thing I am not sure about though is this, when it’s placed on top of a cake will the weight of the rose cause it to sink into the cake? I made my own cone out of petal paste so naturally it’s heavier than if if had been made using a poly bud. Any advice would be great.


Hello bellscakes

Normally a wired rose would be inserted into cake using a posy pick. However if you think the rose needs addition suppport it could be placed on it’s own decorated cake card which can sit on dowels so the weight is supported.
Re being sent back to the original website, this sometimes happens although if you search within this site it will normally take you to the page where the original question was asked and answer given. Google does from time to time throws ‘page expired’. I’m not technical enough to give the reason why.


Hi Bellscakes, so pleased your rose turned out lovely! I agree with what Madeitwithlove has suggested in her first paragraph, you can also use a large straw if you do not have a posy pick, as I am sure you are aware we are not allowed to insert wire directly into our cakes!


Second attempt on painting flowers and leaves on sugarpaste.How long before someone judges it?

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