Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 13th 2019

Pricing cakes

Hi, I wonder if anyone can recommend a cake pricing guide. At present I use the app called cakeulator, which I purchased years ago and I don’t think is on line any more, as I couldn’t find it when I went to the apps a few weeks ago when I got a new iPad. Does anyone else use this app, if so what are your thoughts on it. Last week I saw another site called Bake diary. Has anyone used this and what are your thoughts on it.
Thanks x


Hi, I wonder if anyone can recommend a cake pricing guide. At present I use the app called cakeulator, which I purchased years ago and I don’t think is on line any more, as I couldn’t find it when I went to the apps a few weeks ago when I got a new iPad. Does anyone else use this app, if so what are your thoughts on it. Last week I saw another site called Bake diary. Has anyone used this and what are your thoughts on it.
Thanks x


Hi maisy

I haven’t personally used the Bake diary and also not familiar with the Cakeulator. On this site, David has provided a free Pro tutorial on pricing which I’m sure will give you a guiding hand. See his video tutorial here:

Pricing your cakes quickly

There is also a downloadable template, the link is provided for that if you scroll down in the comments section below the video. Other related articles can be seen in the blog section here:

How much should I charge for my cakes?

What can you expect to earn making cakes?

Confidence in Pricing Cakes

I hope this helps.


Thanks, but I’m only a premium member so don’t think I can access that.


Hi maisy

It’s a free tutorial to everyone which can also be accessed on youtube. All the other links are in the blog section, also free to all members.


Excellent, thank you. X

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