Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 30th 2012


Hi guys, very interested in the pro membership, does it have to be a one off payment or can it be monthly payments like the membership I have now?


Hi guys, very interested in the pro membership, does it have to be a one off payment or can it be monthly payments like the membership I have now?


Hi Loufairy2

If you search ‘Pro member’ you will find an answer from David to your own question but there is also other information there which may be relevant to you. x


Hi Loufairy,

The Pro membership can only be set up on an annual payment.

I guarantee that you will learn enough in the first 5 lessons to repay your fee many times over.

Let me know if you have any questions at all about joining on [email protected]

Kind regards


thanks guys x

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