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asked April 7th 2013

Pro course spreadsheet templates?

Hi David, Just wondering if it might be possible to put up some of the templates and grids you use in the pro course so that they can be used as a starting point? Just watching the pricing your cakes lesson and will have to go back and press pause a lot while i create new spreadsheets. Would be great to be able to adapt what was already there. Is that possible? thanks


Hi David, Just wondering if it might be possible to put up some of the templates and grids you use in the pro course so that they can be used as a starting point? Just watching the pricing your cakes lesson and will have to go back and press pause a lot while i create new spreadsheets. Would be great to be able to adapt what was already there. Is that possible? thanks


Just found some (sorry, don’t know how I missed them). BUT, some of the slides within the presentation aren’t there to be downloaded and it is actually very hard to actually read the text on them within the presentation itself. In particular, the forms within the action plan lesson are difficult to decipher. I haven’t got further than this yet so don’t know if there are other documents further on in the course that are similarly hard to read and not available to download. (And the wedding cake pricing grid is missing, as per my comment on someone else’s question). As I said I will email you too just in case this gets buried, particularly as I know you are in Manchester! Thanks, Rachel

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