Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked November 11th 2015

Pug cake and sizes

Anyone made a pug cake using 6″8″ rather than 8″10″ ?
I’m making tonight and in the tutorial there does seem to be soooo much trimming I’m wondering if I’d still be able to make it with these sizes.


Anyone made a pug cake using 6″8″ rather than 8″10″ ?
I’m making tonight and in the tutorial there does seem to be soooo much trimming I’m wondering if I’d still be able to make it with these sizes.


Will post on his Facebook page. Let me know what you think! Thanks!!!


Hi wardshar

Different dimensions require different carving so it is possible that a pug could be made from an 8″ and 6″ cake. On a smaller combination you’d need to carve in proportion and not take too much off, just whittle away rather than cut big pieces of. Shapes can also be achieved by massaging and indenting the cake with modelling tools rather than carving away. Molly does say however if you want a good size cake it’s best to start to more than you think you will need. If you go ahead with your cake please post to say how it turned out. Good luck wardshar! x


Thanks! I’m going to be brave and give it go!


Hi wardshar

I’ve been thinking about your pug cake. How did it go?


OMgosh!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!! Love it!!! One of my best!!!!!!!
Where can I send you a photo???
Don’t laugh but my favourite view was the rear bum section. Looks so cute!!?lol


That’s so great! why don’t you post pictures on either Paul’s facebook :
or his google+ here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PaulBradfordSugarcraftSchool/posts
If you were to send it into the site they would forward it to me.
Well done you!! oh and don’t forget to show his rear end ….. hahaha!!!


I’m blown away by your pug dog and her cutie tush! you did such a great job. I don’t have a facebook account but when hubby does I’ll get him to like your pic from his account. WOW!! Oooo and you gave me a plug too!! 🙂 xx


I was debating the size issue for a while and you helped me decide!!!
I’ve had lots of people liking it and showing an interest which is good.
Wondered if you can help with something kind of related. I’m trying to source the cheapest coloured cake drums. Is that offer still on with Cake Stuff for my first order?i think it was 25% off for PBSS members. If yes, what code do I need?

Thanks again!!!


Hi wardshar

Please follow the link below for the cake stuff information.

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7 Day Free trial