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asked June 23rd 2015

Quantities for an 8″ cake

Would I simply halve the quantities of Mrs Jones’ deep 10″ sponge to make an 8″ version? Thanks! P.s. If this is the case, what do I do about an odd number of eggs?


Would I simply halve the quantities of Mrs Jones’ deep 10″ sponge to make an 8″ version? Thanks! P.s. If this is the case, what do I do about an odd number of eggs?


Hi Sbfromgb

First of all are you making deep 8″ rounds as oppossed to deep 10″ rounds? If this is the scenario you can refer directly to the ready reckoner conversion chart or cakeometer and convert the whole recipe as it stands. See the tools here:

What Size cake tin to use

However if want to make just one regular 3″ deep 8″ round cake you will first need to half the ingredients of the whole recipe and then reduce that to two thirds instead of half as you’ve suggested.
Put more simply, reduce Mrs Jones’ ingredients by half which will make one regular 3″ deep 10″ round cake. Jump over to the conversion chart and convert from 10″ to 8″ for one regular size cake.

Odd number eggs have to be either scaled up or down. Eg. if eggs come out 3.5 and over, scale up to the nearest whole figure which is four. If eggs come out 3. 4 or under, scale down to nearest whole figure which would be 3 eggs.

Hope this helps and is not too confusing!


Brilliant, thanks!


You’re welcome, happy baking!

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