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asked January 7th 2015

Rainbow layer number cake

Hi I’ve been asked to make a number 6 in a rainbow layer cake to be covered in smarties to feed 30. I think I’ve worked out to do it as an 8″ then obviously to do the arm of the 6 will be enough. It’s going to be a diddly cake to do. I don’t have enough tins though. Is the best way to buy disposable and make in one batter then measure out separately. She also wants it covered in smarties. Is this all fees able and no idea what to charge!!



Hi I’ve been asked to make a number 6 in a rainbow layer cake to be covered in smarties to feed 30. I think I’ve worked out to do it as an 8″ then obviously to do the arm of the 6 will be enough. It’s going to be a diddly cake to do. I don’t have enough tins though. Is the best way to buy disposable and make in one batter then measure out separately. She also wants it covered in smarties. Is this all fees able and no idea what to charge!!



Not “diddly”. I meant fiddly!


Hi gucci906

Have you sorted out a recipe for the cake?
If you make separate layers it’s going to take ages and probably take a lot of ingredients which would bump up the price. If I was doing this cake I would use a number 6 tin. Make up the batter and divide it up in the different colours. Place the batters side by side in the one tin to make the rainbow pattern and slightly marble the colours through The cake could be be sliced in half but you will need to partcially freeze it first so it cuts through without breaking and making lots of crumbs. Once frozen slice the 6 carefully and gently from the bottom where it is attached to the vertical part, go down and then to the top. Slide a thin square or rectangular board under ther sliced section for easier removal for filling. It can be filled similarly with one batch of buttercream divided up and coloured in the different shades. Once filled let the cake rest overnight if possible with a gentle weight on it so it settles before crumb coating, icing and decorating.
For loads of different fab ideas search in google images ‘ number 6 rainbow layer birthday cake tutorial’
I haven’t actually been able to find one showing a 6 cake but the ideas are great and can be adapted.
As for pricing, you’d need to total up all of your ingredients, boards, boxes, ribbons and your time, other overheads and profit. Have a peek at what David says here:
Scroll down to the teddy and read about ‘the solution’. Also have a look around in your area to see what other people charge for a similar cake so you don’t outprice yourself from an order.

Hope this helps, but I’m sure other members will be able to advise you better. I don’t make these types of cakes often and have limited experience of them. G’d luck, feedback on how it turns out would be welcome! x


Hi thanks for replying but they really don’t want marbled.

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