Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked July 17th 2012

Where can I find the recipe section on CakeFlix?

Where can I find the recipe section on CakeFlix?

Where can i find the recipe section in here??


Where can I find the recipe section on CakeFlix?

Where can i find the recipe section in here??


Hi there,

At the moment the recipes can be found under the course lessons tab, at the bottom of the page. It is a drop down menu labelled ‘ingredients’ underneath the videos.

If there is no recipe listed under the desired course, and it says ‘coming soon’ it just means we haven’t managed to get to this course yet, as we are working through a back log of courses to add in ingredients and tools lists. If this happens, email us and we will send you the information 🙂


Hope this helps!


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