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renshaw roll out
Hi there folks,
I find Renshaw’s roll out icing is cracking when I’m doing cakes at the moment. I’ve even given it a beat in my mixer (I may add this isn’t a mixer you would have in your home, it’s a table mixer we have in the bakery) and have been adding a tad water just to soften it. someone at work thought the water would dry it out more but I wasn’t sure if this was correct. I’m wondering if there was anything else you could add if water was not the way to go. Or it may just be the weather at the moment? I don’t think they have changed their recipe……any suggestions? I’m kind of stuck!
Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
Marilla x
Have you tried fondant from
There sugarpaste is great and rolls out beautifully and it’s also a great price.
It tastes good too.
Hi mill21
If you’ve always been satisfied with Renshaw’s icing the problem probably is the weather. I’m having a devil of the time with my Satin ice because it’s cold and damp where I am. I used to use Renshaws but gave up on it because it was no longer working for me. Other members were having similar experience. There have been no further questions or comments on this brand for a long while now.
Adding water to your paste will soften it, but if it will also change it’s constitution. As you can appreciate there are other ingredients which go into making the paste to keep it from drying and cracking. Have you tried kneading in a little white vegetable fat? You could also try kneading in a little glycerine. Glycerine is hygroscopic and attracts moisture which helps to keep icing moist. I can’t say how much because you haven’t said what quantities of sugarpaste is involved. How ever much it is, add a small amount at a time until the paste comes back to a working consistency. Too much will render it too soft and unmanagable. Coincidentally I used water on my paste today but that was only because I had left it unwrapped and it formed a crust. The water helped to smoothe the crust out.
I thought you might be interested to read member comments about the Renshaw paste here:
You’ll see other links in the given link, so plenty to read about it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for that info, that’s great. I might hunt down a sample of satin ice to try it as I’ve not used it before. Do you know who makes it? Or is it satin Ice? We have a good range of suppliers in the bakery trade so might look into that. Going by the link you gave me it seems I’m not alone when it comes to it cracking. Maybe time for a change, they do say it’s as good a rest 🙂 x
Hi mil21
Yes it’s Satin Ice who make it but you can buy it online from amazon, ebay, cake decoring company and other outlets. Don’t bother with the white! I used it for a wedding I did last September and it nearly killed me, it was so wet. I always use the ivory which is lovely. I keep meaning to try the one Jackie has recommended, I think I will do now that all my Satin Ice has finished. There is of course the very high end stuff like carmas massa, it depends what you will be using it for. Carmas massa can be found in the Cake Decorating company Nottingham and Windsor cake craft. Hope this helps.
@Jackie I’m definitely going to try your recommendation, thank you for setting the link. x
Hi MIWL and Jackie,
Thanks for your help, that info is great. Will look into that today xx