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Rice Krispie
Can you please tell me how long the Rice Krispie treats last for? I can’t seem to find this information out anywhere?
Can you please tell me how long the Rice Krispie treats last for? I can’t seem to find this information out anywhere?
Hello helenacampbell
There’s a couple of pages of discussion on RKT here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/rice-krispy-treats
From personal experience I’ve kept them in the fridge and at room temperature for a couple of weeks and they’ve been fine. I made a giant RKP dinosaur for a person who kept it on the window sill for 2 weeks then ate it without ill effects. Just keep the treats in an airtight container such as a biscuit tin and store in a cool place or fridge. You’ll find quite a lot of information in google if you search ‘how long will rice krispie treats keep’.