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asked May 28th 2012

Rice Krispy Treats

Hi all, has anyone made their own to model bits of their cake (as in USA cake shows).  I’ve seen a few recipes on the internet but would prefer first hand advice.  I saw some for sale at Excel show this year but cannot find it for sale in the UK.  I have emailed the makers for advice on where  to buy but no reply as yet.  I also think it would be cheaper to make your own (if it works,lol)


Hi I made my own..butter 3 tablespoons melt..add in lots of mini marshmallows until all melted..take off heat and add in rice krispies until correct consistency and mould into desired shape. I did this for a clutch handbag I was making and worked great!


Oh my goodness.. I have been making RCT since I was a kid in america.. I never measure and it always comes out in the same result.. So melt some butter, add marshmellows and melt, this will look stringy and weird but it’s something you get used to. Now open rice crispies, doesn’t matter if they are stores own or Kelloggs, and pour in enough to cover the melted marshmellows.. mix it till all the rice crispies are covered if you think you need more then add a bit at a time and if you think you need more marshmellows just follow step one and add to mixture. grease your hands and place in mould or mould into desired shape or just press into grease cake pan and when cooled cut into squares and place in lunch boxs or just enjoy! I use these for both treats and to mould for cakes or ricecrispy treat pops anything! Good luck and remember the recipe is easy, don’t make it something it itsn’t.. Get the kids involved and have fun! cakey love! x


Another good tip is to put in freezer once molded and then smear melted white choc over, push into crevices, it will smooth out and set before your eyes. Then take a small grater and grate away the rough bits. Have done this heaps and works great


Thanks Bev but the size they sell in Tesco’s is very small.  The one I want is a huge sheet!  Let me know how you get on jimmychoux, never though of marshmallows from Makro so good tip.  I have read those ingredients too.  Some people add more rice crispies or crush them a bit to make it firmer/smoother.  Sorry that I want to learn from other’s mistakes, lol.




Thanks for info Gucci906.  I will have a go as you can’t seem to go wrong (but watch this space!)


I wrapped mine in cling film then put it in Tupperware and it didn’t dry out


I had a go but just got into a sticky mess


Too much marshmallow??


Thanks treacle.  Hope it doesn’t tatse too good as I’ve just started Weight Watchers (again!)

J x


Not sure where you live, but they sell American marshmallows at Jan Linders. I buy them there, and you can pretty much use any kind of cereal. Crush it up slightly and after you mix it all together, work fast while it’s warm and mold your pieces a little bigger than you need, packing it really tight. Then you can carve it to make it smooth. Works great for me.


They sell the Krispy treats in Tesco & Adsa they are in the biscuit isle. I have yet to try them though.


Hi Jayess,

I have a recipe to try (untested as yet).  Thought I would give it a bash as I have a absolutely huge bag of marshmallows and can’t think of anything to do with them.  Although just discovered that I have no rice crispies so will have to wait until the weekend.

I think it has to be cheaper to make them yourself – I get a really big bag of haribo marshmallows from Macro and it’s normally about £5 including VAT, much cheaper than buying individual bags at the supermarket.  Just had a look at the bag and it’s 1 kilo!

I’ll let you know how I get on but as I understand it butter, marshmallows and rice crispies are the only ingredients.  Sounds fairly easy and definitely not difficult enough to justify buying the individual squares from the supermarket.

JC x


@Gucci906 🙂 yum, i used a similar method as you to make treats. I then used cling film to roll them into cylinders and popped into the freezer to set. Made great Turrets for a Princess castle!


Good luck!!


Hi all, couldn’t believe it!  I visited PME Knightsbridge (That I have just found out is near me in Enfield.  I always presumed it was in Knightsbridge) and the Rice Krispy Treat slab was on the shelf.  Mind you it was £14.99 so I will still attempt at making my own.  Cake is in July so will let you all know what happens.


But becareful as it dries out quite fast


Homemade or bought (or both)? but thanks for info


Is there any way of preventing the drying out as in wrapping in cling film, or does it still behave the same way? tnx


Thanks for all info given, it really helps.

J x


melt 50 grams of butter in large saucepan once melted, add 300 grams of marshmallows stir until completely melted,then add 160 grams of rice krispies,stir till coated and pour into a greased baking tray, if you want to eat them, but i tip them into a large bowl , as i use them as soon as i make them as it ususally for a cake i am doing there and then, hope this helps …….

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