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asked February 9th 2016

Runny ganache on Mrs Jones Vanilla Cupcakes

Runny ganache on Mrs Jones Vanilla Cupcakes

Hi, I made Mrs Jones vanilla cupcakes today & they were beautiful. I also made white chocolate ganache flavoured with Baileys. I kept it in the fridge for about 4 hours (covered with cling film) before trying to pipe it onto the cakes but it was too runny, so I just spread it across them & decorated with wafer daisies, looked lovely & tasted divine but I was hoping for a fancy swirl of ganache. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong? I used 150g white chocolate (Dr Oetkers cooks choc 26%), 130ml double cream, 20ml Baileys & 30g butter. I’m new to this site & quite new to fancy baking & would appreciate any advice!


Runny ganache on Mrs Jones Vanilla Cupcakes

Hi, I made Mrs Jones vanilla cupcakes today & they were beautiful. I also made white chocolate ganache flavoured with Baileys. I kept it in the fridge for about 4 hours (covered with cling film) before trying to pipe it onto the cakes but it was too runny, so I just spread it across them & decorated with wafer daisies, looked lovely & tasted divine but I was hoping for a fancy swirl of ganache. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong? I used 150g white chocolate (Dr Oetkers cooks choc 26%), 130ml double cream, 20ml Baileys & 30g butter. I’m new to this site & quite new to fancy baking & would appreciate any advice!


Hi Trish

The white ganache didn’t set because there was insufficient chocolate to cream ratio and also because the Bailey’s further diluted the ratio. To help with ratios, you may find my ganache charts in the following blogs of interest:

How to Ganache Cakes Without Gnashing Your Teeth!

Carry on Ganaching! New Charts and Recipes

Reduce the cream by the amount of alcohol used to keep the ratio balanced.
Hope this helps.

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