Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 30th 2015


I am making a 3 tier wedding cake for the first time.
Do you think it would be ok to do one coffee filled with coffee buttercream and coated in dark chocolate ganache and sugar paste and two Victoria sponges filled with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream and coated in dark chocolate ganache and sugar paste?
Roughly how much ganache would I need to coat the cakes 15, 20 and 25cm?
If I make too much can I freeze it?

Feeling a bit at sea, and would be so grateful for your help!



I am making a 3 tier wedding cake for the first time.
Do you think it would be ok to do one coffee filled with coffee buttercream and coated in dark chocolate ganache and sugar paste and two Victoria sponges filled with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream and coated in dark chocolate ganache and sugar paste?
Roughly how much ganache would I need to coat the cakes 15, 20 and 25cm?
If I make too much can I freeze it?

Feeling a bit at sea, and would be so grateful for your help!



Your coffee cake sounds lovely with dark chocolate, however on the vanilla cakes I would use white chocolate ganache. That is my personal choice but I think it will look much better that dark chocolate for presentation. It also tastes lovely too.
Yes you can freeze any left over ganache.

Ps I am sure you will get advice from other members also.
Good luck.


Thanks very much, Jackie! I was worried the Victoria sponge cakes would look lighter than the coffee cake if they were covered in white ganache but maybe they won’t? Maybe it wouldn’t matter anyway? I agree the appearance once cut would be much nicer though with white ganache! Maybe I should just try it and see …

Thanks again!


Hello Sbfromgb

If you need help with ganache quantities for different sized cakes take a peek at my chart here:
and if you’d like to learn a little more about ganache shelf life and storage take a look here:
If your ganache splits there’s a rescue here:
Ganache is one of the most discussed topics on site. To see threads and discussions just type in the search box ‘ganache’ and you’ll see different past questions from a drop down menue, click to read answers.

Don’t feel alone, there’s usually someone always around to help out. Good luck with your wedding cake! x


I agree with Jackie your cakes sound delicious, I too would recommend white choco ganache with vanilla cake.


That’s so helpful! Thanks very much – I will take yours and Jackie’s advice!! Thanks for all the info!


You’re welcome, good luck with the wedding. I have a wedding tomorrow for four tiers and worrying myself silly because the venue is down narrow pot holed country lanes! x


How did it go? Hope it was wonderful!


We got there four hours before the wedding! Better to be safe than sorry, thankfully all went well with minimum damage. Thank you for asking, hope your’s goes well too. xx

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