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asked March 27th 2013

shelf life for display cake

Hi all
Can anyone tell me what the shelf life is for cake that has been ganached and decorated. I’m doing a display cake and normally use dummies but I want to practice some sculpting and carving on this one. I notice Paul uses cake for display – but i have no idea how long it will keep.

thank you
sharon x


I did the five day course with Paul and kept the chocolate wrap as a display cake and it kept for just under the year before it started to fall apart.


Hi Sharon

Paul takes his cakes to all the different shows and I asked that question. David told me they keep them until they either deteriorate or start to smell! I expect what will happen is that the sponge will eventually get rock hard and the ganache will start to bloom and mottle, which will be chuck out time. Just keep it in a cool place, avoiding windows and radiators. Oh and a little bit of glaze spray will harden the surface.

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