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asked August 7th 2013

Site keeps logging me out!

Every time I log in and then try to navigate to the online course I want to watch by the time I get there I’ve been signed out and I have to start all over again! I need to do it 3 or 4 times before it works and its driving me nuts 🙂 Is this happening to anyone else? I’m using an iPad.


Every time I log in and then try to navigate to the online course I want to watch by the time I get there I’ve been signed out and I have to start all over again! I need to do it 3 or 4 times before it works and its driving me nuts 🙂 Is this happening to anyone else? I’m using an iPad.


Hi Doodlecake, We’re actually in the process of migrating the site to a new faster server and I believe this is just a temporary issue that should stop happening as soon as the site is fully migrated. Of course if it carries on over the next 48 hours let me know at [email protected], sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Customer Support


Thanks Andy that’s good to know. I was thinking it just didn’t like me 🙂


It keeps happening to me too its about too weeks ago it started happening.


Hi it keeps happening to me too I thought it was just me being a wee bit techno fobic.

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