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asked March 17th 2015

Skateboard cake size

Hi. Do you think it would be feasible to make this cake from a smaller cake? Say a 6 or 8 inch square?

Thank you for your help.


Hi. Do you think it would be feasible to make this cake from a smaller cake? Say a 6 or 8 inch square?

Thank you for your help.


Hello pip2110

No reason why it can’t be made smaller, as long as you reduce everything else proportionally. If I was making this cake I would probably make an 8″ and use a 12″ cake board. Keep the ganache the same, make a few truffles with the left over as a treat, and use up any oddments of sugarpaste for everything else. Hope this helps.


Thank you so much, that does help x


You’re welcome pip2010, would love to hear how you get on with it. Good luck! x

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