Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 27th 2012

Small Hands?

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone else have a problem cutting cakes in half. I use the method Paul teaches with your knuckles on the worktop. However because I only have small hands I find the top half of the cake really deep and the bottom half shallow….lol…has anyone else had that problem? I think I need a stepping stool for my hand…any ideas anyone??


I too have small hands and am a bit of a nightmare at trying to cut in half! Usually ends up looking like a ski slope!!!
My answer is that I get the old man to do it lol
Also he made some blocks of wood (like the ones I use to roll out to an even thickness). He’s made them different depths so for example a 3″ deep cake he will usu 1 1/2 blocks. Put one each side of the cake then with a long knife use these as guides keeping the knife level with the blocks.
Also use this method to level the top of cakes.
It works really well and always get nice level cakes x


Same for me! I bought the Wilton cake leveller from Lakeland (like a cheese wire on a frame) and I use it all the time!


Hi Doodlecake I have one of those but when I use it there is a lot of resistance as I go to cut and it worries me that it will tear the cake…not only that I have a problem with my left arm/hand that prevents me from holding something tight…lol…challenges huh?


I place my left hand on top of the cake to hold it steady and the use the cake leveller with my right. You do have to push quite firmly to get it started and you have to use a sawing motion. As it nears the other edge of the cake I move my left hand down and press gently where it’s going to emerge from the cake so no big bits fall off. The blocks idea is also really good though!


Hi Jgibb

Have a look at this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Zenker-2411-3-Piece-Tart-Cake-Slicing or just go to Amazon and search for cake leveler. I have the same problem as you with the arm, my fingers have been affected too, I can empathise. x


Thank you every one….whoo hoo just fond out I can go to the NEC in November….I may see some of you there x

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