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asked April 14th 2014

Soaking fruit

When using Mrs Jones fruit cake recipe it says to saok fruit in 2 Table Spoons of either brandy or orange juice but there is alot of fruit to saok. Is this amount correct as it barely covers any of the fruit.Thanks.


When using Mrs Jones fruit cake recipe it says to saok fruit in 2 Table Spoons of either brandy or orange juice but there is alot of fruit to saok. Is this amount correct as it barely covers any of the fruit.Thanks.


Hello arogden

The amount of alcohol used is up to you. Most recipes give a small amount but you can add a little more if you like. The alcohol is absorbed by the fruit which becomes moist and plump. If there is a lot of alcohol left in the bowl sprinkle it over the freshly baked cake. You can see the amount I use in my Christmas cake here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/preparing-for-a-moist-christmas-cake
This isn’t to everyone’s taste as it makes a very boozy cake!


Hi there
I always tend to put a bit more in than what is said. Never had any complaints yet or maybe I just seem to make fruit cakes for people who like my dark Barbados rum. I prefer mine in a glass with coke and an ice cube or two and definitely on a beach !! Aah memories.


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