Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked December 28th 2015

Spitfire cake airbrush food colouring

What is the brand name of the food colouring that Paul used for this project?


What is the brand name of the food colouring that Paul used for this project?


Hello goldenfrienship2010

Looking at the logo on the bottle, it appears Paul is using Kroma airbrush colours. He verbates the different colour mixes he is using to get all the shades. See the Kroma colours here:

They can also be purchased online from other stores, prices and postal costs do vary so best to shop around. The Cake decorating company has free postage on a minium spend of £25.00 and Windsor cakecraft free postage on a minimum spend of £20.00. It’s possible you could get better prices elsewhere.

Hope this helps.

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