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square cutters
Hi Paul, I saw you using a tool which you could set to different sizes for cutting out fondant squares. Can you please tell me who supplies it. Thanks
Hi Paul, I saw you using a tool which you could set to different sizes for cutting out fondant squares. Can you please tell me who supplies it. Thanks
Hello brownm
Is it this http://www.thecakedecoratingcompany.co.uk/adjustable-5-wheel-stainless-steel-cutter
Similar products can be found on ebay, Amazon and other online cake decorating and pastry suppliers. However, note that cake decortating company offers free carriage because the cost is over £25.00. I think you will need to select the postal preference manually.
If this is not what you mean please could you say which it is or give the tutorial link which shows the cutter.
Hope this helps.
thank you so much, this is exactly what I was looking for.