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asked July 20th 2015

Stacked shirt cake

Hi, I have been asked to make a stacked shirt cake. 6 Shirts of different colour with the cake colour matching the shirt. Would I need to dowel this cake – say between shirt 3 and 4? Many thanks


Hi, I have been asked to make a stacked shirt cake. 6 Shirts of different colour with the cake colour matching the shirt. Would I need to dowel this cake – say between shirt 3 and 4? Many thanks


Hello Caris55

Yes it would be best to have each shirt cake on it’s own card and dowelled. Not only will your structure be more stable, it will also be easier for serving purposes. This way each different colour can be cut and served individually instead of slicing through all the whole lot.
Sometimes cake cards don’t fit exactly without showing through. In this case place the cakes on cards one size smaller so they sit neatly on top of each other to give stacked shirt impression.

Hope this helps.


Hi madeitwithlove, Thank you so much for your quick and precise reply. I feel a lot happier making the cake now. Kind regards


You’re welcome, hope all goes well!

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