Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 16th 2013

starting out

Hi Really wanting to start my own business decorating cakes but having problems getting started customers etc!
any suggestions


Hi Really wanting to start my own business decorating cakes but having problems getting started customers etc!
any suggestions


Hi Arlene

If you click on the Pro Courses tab at the top of this page there is a lots of useful information there. If you’re not a pro member the lessons will not be accessible to you but you’ll be able at least to read what the lessons offer.
Pro membership lessons are designed to help people like yourself who want to get started. These lessons are a comprehensive guide from setting up to achieving a flourishing business. If you’d like to discuss Pro membership contact [email protected] for even more useful information. Good luck.


Hi madeitwithlove

Thankyou for that I will take a look

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