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asked November 30th 2013

storing fondant

My daugther party is Saturday …hoe many days before can i make the foundant and how well to store it???


My daugther party is Saturday …hoe many days before can i make the foundant and how well to store it???


Hi wendy1982

Are you making fondant from scratch? If you are, you can make it when you like just store nice and tight in a plastic bag, make sure all the air is out and store in a cool place but not in the fridge.


I an gunna try making it myself…i am new at all this so we will see :)… ty for r help


if you’d like to see a recipe there are three different ways to make fondant here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/how-to-make-sugarpaste-from-scratch
Good luck with your fondant making, and happy party for your daughter. x


Thank u that’s sweet

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