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asked July 14th 2012

What is the best way to be storing fruit cake?

What is the best way to be storing fruit cake?

Well just made 12″ fruit cake for the bottom tier of my first wedding cake in September. Just gone in the oven (fingers crossed) biggest cake I’ve ever made!

When it comes out all lovely (here’s hoping) how do I store it properly. Do I wrap in parchment paper and keep in a cake box until I cover it at beginning September. Or should I store it another way. Don’t want to ruin it


What is the best way to be storing fruit cake?

Well just made 12″ fruit cake for the bottom tier of my first wedding cake in September. Just gone in the oven (fingers crossed) biggest cake I’ve ever made!

When it comes out all lovely (here’s hoping) how do I store it properly. Do I wrap in parchment paper and keep in a cake box until I cover it at beginning September. Or should I store it another way. Don’t want to ruin it


wrap the cake totally in baking parchment then wrap it in foil fold the ends of the foil over to exclude as much air.I store my cakes in a tinĀ  hope it helps

ps make sure it is completely cold otherwise condensation will form and the cake may go mouldy


I wrap my fruit cakes in parchment, then in cling film and then in extra strong foil. Good advice from lesleya about making sure it is completely cool. Store it for a couple of weeks then if you like you can feed it a couple of table spoons of brandy every three weeks. You can do this up to a couple of weeks before it is required. Don’t over do it though and definitely not too close to the date because you don’t want it to be wet prior to decorating The brandy will act as a preservative and keep the cake wonderfully moist. Prick the cake all over and gently drizzle your brandy. Wrap it up tight again and store in an air tight container. And by the way CONGRATULATIONS on making your first massive fruit cake!!

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