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asked March 17th 2015

Sugar in Pauls Moist Chocolate cake

I want to make Pauls moist chocolate cake and am just weighing out ingrediants.
The list seems to be an awful lot of sugar?
Can someone clarify the exact amount for the recipe please as 720g is a lot of sugar!


I want to make Pauls moist chocolate cake and am just weighing out ingrediants.
The list seems to be an awful lot of sugar?
Can someone clarify the exact amount for the recipe please as 720g is a lot of sugar!


Hello nannynoo

The amount of sugar listed is correct however you could reduce it reasonably by 10% and probably even 20% without compromising the quality of the cake.
There are many hints and tips for successfully baking this cake here:

‘Paul’s moist chocolate cake’ My feed back

The thread is quite long, it will help you to read through some of the later comments.
More help and comments can be found here:

Paul’s chocolate cake – timing

Throughout the site there are hundreds of member comments for this recipe. If you’d like to read the comments type in the above search box combinations of key words with reference to the recipe like:
;choc moist cake’, ‘moist chocolate cake’ ‘choc cake’ ‘Paul’s moist cake’ etc.

Hope this helps.


You can more comments from members here:
Scroll right down until you come to the comments section.


Thank you, I have it in the oven now. I used 700g of sugar. This cake will be decorated with Cadburys Creme Eggs at my grandsons request for his 14th birthday cake! This is going to be the most calorific cake to ever emerge from my kitchen!


Baked perfectly, no sinking and cooling nicely


Well done and thank you for your feed back. It’s so kind of you to share your results. I hope your grandson has a wonderful birthday, creme eggs and all! x

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