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asked July 13th 2012

Recommended brand of Sugar Paste

Recommended brand of Sugar Paste

Hi. Is there a particular brand of sugar paste that you recommend, particularly when making figures to put on top of cakes?


I’d recommend Regalice, it’s really good. You can get it in most big supermarkets, shops like Lakeland and on tonnes of cake decorating websites! They have a great range of colours and you can buy the packets in small sizes or in bulk.


I’m a huge covapaste lover. I buy 5kg boxes. I’ve never had any tearing or cracks and it smells of vanilla. I’ve really gone off regalice since they changed to natural colouringa. I find it smells heavily of vinegar


I don’t think it really matters as it seems to be personal choice.  When making figures you need to add gum tragacanth or tylo powder.  You could try sugar dough but that needs the same if you need a firmer dough.  Small figures work out ok with it.  I just support with lengths of spaghetti or linguini. http://www.squires-shop.com/ibf/index.php?p=product&id=3324&parent=0

I may have misunderstood your question and you just want to know what is the best sugarpaste to cover your cake with when putting figures on top.  Again the answer would be personal preference, try them all.  I like Karen Davies marshmallow  paste for taste but it’s expensive.  If I can’t get it I just use any from a supermarket.



Thanks for all your answers..very useful. As you can probably tell, I’m just starting out!


Hi, I have tried so many brands of fondant and so far my favourite is Tesco’s own brand.  Easy to use, doesn’t tear or crack and very economical.

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