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Sugar paste jogger/athlete
Does anyone know of a link to a tutorial that would show me how to make a fondant jogger/athlete? Thanks
Does anyone know of a link to a tutorial that would show me how to make a fondant jogger/athlete? Thanks
Hi clan
The only active figure I’ve made is one bowling which needed the legs to be shaped. I made the legs as Paul shows us, make a sausage etc, then inserted 20 gauge wires wrapped in florist tape into each leg to shape the stance of the figure. You could try that with your jogging figure, leave enough wire at the top and bottom to add the rest of the body and feet once the legs have dried. You’ll probably have to ‘dress’ the figure once made, I didn’t have that problem because my bowlers were in summer whites. Wish I could help more, no good at making people models. I have searched and searched for an active people topper without luck, hope someone else can advise better than my contribution! xx