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Sugar Paste Model – how far in advance can I make them
HI there, I’m going to attempt a version of the golf cake this month, am sooo nervous about it I can’t tell you as it’s for a friend and the pictures they’ve sent me to give me ideas are of exceptional quality and I’m nervous to say the least. I wanted to try to make the model of the man early so I can be happy he’s correct, and also they want a golf buggy (how on earth!!!) so wanted to see if I could make that in advance too, before the actual cake is even baked…but is that okay to do?
Is there a shelf life?
Do they go horrid or lose colour etc if I make a few weeks in advance?
Any advice would be warmly and gratefully received!
HI there, I’m going to attempt a version of the golf cake this month, am sooo nervous about it I can’t tell you as it’s for a friend and the pictures they’ve sent me to give me ideas are of exceptional quality and I’m nervous to say the least. I wanted to try to make the model of the man early so I can be happy he’s correct, and also they want a golf buggy (how on earth!!!) so wanted to see if I could make that in advance too, before the actual cake is even baked…but is that okay to do?
Is there a shelf life?
Do they go horrid or lose colour etc if I make a few weeks in advance?
Any advice would be warmly and gratefully received!
Hi Joe
I know where your coming from i was so nervous the first time i made a cake for someone- don’t be honest, you will notice everything your not happy with- but your friend and her guests will be blown away trust me, and not see anything wrong.
Fondant will keep once made up for ages as long as you store the figures/models in a cool dry place. I have sometimes made my figures a couple of weeks before they are needed.
if you Google images of fondant golf buggies loads of pictures are there which will show you how others have done them, then using your knowledge from here you will be able to do your own version
hope this helps & all the best, sharon
Thanks Sharon, I made the tutorial Santa at Christmas and that was the first one I’d made, took 2 hours as well, but it did look good 🙂
I’ll definitely make him a week before then as this will take the pressure off and I’ll do what you said and look for images of golf buggies…it’s just hard to see sometimes how someone has made them so I feel a bit blind not knowing the tricks of the trade yet!
Try www.flickr.com and type in fondant buggy in the search – this a very basic buggy, the supports for the canopy have been done with spaghetti, dry your square top for a view days before adding it or you could use rice paper. It’s basic shape is a square with its edges rounded for the front and back. The seat can be cut out with a circle cutter, or take a look at Paul’s car tutorial and cut the seat that way.
good luck
lolly pop sticks or plastic dowels would also work as supports !!
Thanks Sharon but that buggy is too basic for what I need unfortunately…but I’ll definitely look at Pauls car tutorial, didn’t know there was one!
I was thinking of dowels for the supports but may even go for bamboo sticks (as they are thinner) covered in sugarpaste. I think the canopy and supports are doable, it’s the rest of the beast that’s freaking me out 🙂 I need it on a smaller scale too as it’s to sit on top of a cake rather than being the cake…so that feels like more of a task, hoping that’s just my inexperienced mind playing with me on that one though!
I couldn’t find anything under the search for Pauls car tutorial….I did spot one for a VW Beetle cake, is that the one I should be looking at?
Thank you!
Well, I made the golf buggy in sugarpaste rather than flowerpaste and it’s died and crumbled to pieces and I need to start all over again 🙁 Still it’s a learning curve.
So, any other bits of advice before I start all over again on how to make a really good golf buggy?
Thanks a lot – Joe