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asked October 5th 2017

Sugar pearls that don’t break teeth

I need to buy some white sugar pearls to decorate a quilt effect cake. The only ones I’ve ever seen/used in the past have been so hard and really not good to eat. I’d hate to be responsible for breaking someone’s teeth : (
Can anybody recommend a brand of pearl that’s firm enough to sit in fondant but a bit softer on the inside and more pleasant/safe to eat?
I’m hoping that somebody has come up with an alternative; they look so lovely on cakes don’t they but you don’t want your cake to carry a bloomin health warning.
Thanks in advance!


I need to buy some white sugar pearls to decorate a quilt effect cake. The only ones I’ve ever seen/used in the past have been so hard and really not good to eat. I’d hate to be responsible for breaking someone’s teeth : (
Can anybody recommend a brand of pearl that’s firm enough to sit in fondant but a bit softer on the inside and more pleasant/safe to eat?
I’m hoping that somebody has come up with an alternative; they look so lovely on cakes don’t they but you don’t want your cake to carry a bloomin health warning.
Thanks in advance!


Hi densisetrue

I expect you’ve probably found a supply by now. If you haven’t try the Dr Oetker brand which are available in most supermarkets. I know Cake Craft Company were doing soft dragees, it might be worth haveing a look on thier site. If I find any I’ll post. 🙂

ps Have you considered making your own? I make my own with chocolate modelling paste. Allow them to set and the whirl them around in a ramekin in a paste of lustre dust and alcohol or just straight lustre.


Ooh, never thought of making my own – genius! May also look out for Dr. Oetker – thanks : )


Take a peek here, https://www.sprinklesandco.co.uk/shop/cake-decorations/gold-sugar-pearls/

I think they stock the soft ones. They have phone number contact and might be worth giving them a tinkle :

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