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asked July 23rd 2012

How does sugar syrup keep cakes moist?

How does sugar syrup keep cakes moist?

I have seen a post on here about sugar syrup to keep cakes moist but I can’t find it now I need it!  Done  a search and all I get is the freezing cakes and sugar syrup….please help! 🙁


How does sugar syrup keep cakes moist?

I have seen a post on here about sugar syrup to keep cakes moist but I can’t find it now I need it!  Done  a search and all I get is the freezing cakes and sugar syrup….please help! 🙁


Hi I read this just today on one of the exisiting  answers (when to decorate). It is equal quantities of sugar and syrup boiled for one minute.  Vanilla or lemon or orange juice can be added for flavour e.g. for carrot cake.  Hope this answers the question.


Sugar syrup is equal parts of sugar and water e.g 200g sugar to 200ml water. Bring to boil for about 2 mins. Brush the cakes with it, leave to cool then freeze and it should keep them moist.


Sorry it was ‘Timings for decorating’ page 2 or questions


thanks folks 🙂


I’ve never used sugar syrup, does it make much difference to the freshness. Does it work best with frozen cakes?


Sugar syrup drench gives the cake  moistness, adds extra flavour and can also helps extend cake life by a few days. It can be used when a cake is fresh or if it’s become a little dry, of course you can use it on a de frosted cake before filling and icing.  Have a look also at the question on’ timing before decorating’ for addition information.


I have been reading all the above and have a few questions please!
When you brush the cakes with sugar syrup before freezing, do you also prick the cakes and let the syrup soak in?…… Are the cakes and syrup hot/warm when this is done?
Also if you “revive” a cake that’s become a little dry, should the syrup be hot/warm?
Many thanks.


Hi Dean-Mae

It’s better not to add the syrup before freezing the cake as the sugar can sometimes crystallize. Best to do it when you need the cake. The cake layers don’t have to be pricked but if you want to that’s fine. Cool the syrup first (it can be slightly warm) before brushing and allow the syrup to soak into the sponge before filling. To revive a dry cake use warm syrup and brush as above.


Thank you ,that answered all my questions; very much appreciated.
Brilliant site, always so helpful.


I read somewhere that you can add a small amount of alcohol to safeguard against any mould forming. Do you boil the alcohol or add it after? Obviously you don’t want to flavour the syrup with alcohol taste so not sure.


Hi AnnieLaurie

The alcohol is added to cooled syrup. It flavours and moistens the cake. If you use 40% proof alcohol, it can add a little extra protection against mould . Approx 10% of the entire volume of the syrup is a good amount. As I have mentioned already, the syrup will be flavoured by this addition.

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