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asked October 12th 2012

Sugar Veil

Hi all

Just bought some sugar veil plus mat. Any tips before I ruin it :-)?



Hi all

Just bought some sugar veil plus mat. Any tips before I ruin it :-)?



Hi Jayess

I haven’t tried this yet so I look forward to getting some feedback from you. I want to get some when I’m at the NEC, might be nice to make a few fancy Christmassy things with it. I some how don’t think it’s as easy as it looks!


Hi madeitwithlove

I will make sure to have a go with it before exhibition. I keep thinking you are right. The demonstrator said you must get water content exact. I don’t want to use a whole bag of icing so will be very careful.



Would be good if Paul gave us a demo of it on a mini tutorial. I’ve watched the video from the Cake decorating company but really can’t follow it any sense. Soon be time for NEC!!!!! can’t wait, getting all excited.


I’ve done a sugarveil workshop with claire from the cake decorating company, and we also made ourselves a sheet, to take home, but although I’ve got the original mat, and a small packet of icing, I’ve not actually had a go myself at home yet, mainly because I don’t want to mix up my icing, when I’ve not got any projects to use it on, but on the other hand, I do need to be able to practice. The mixed up icing is good for a couple of weeks, kept in thee fridge, but needs a good beat before every use.


Hi Sharon

If I don’y have any luck at home I was thinking of going on this course. However it is about 2.25 hours drive for me. Do you think it was worth doing?



Hi Jayess,

I think the course would give you a bit of confidence, if you’re unsure, and I’ve been on a few of their workshops, but i’m only an hour away, having said that, the lady sat next to me was from Ireland, she’d flown over for the day 🙂
Sometimes, they also do 2 courses, one after the other, which might make the traveling more worthwhile think the afternoon one was brush embroidery, but i just stayed for the sugarveil


Thanks Sharon




It is as easy as it looks! Made some yesterday and used today. Used 37gm (one third of packet) with 40ml boiling water, beat for 4 mins, left in fridge overnight. Brought to room temperature this morning beat by hand for 1 min, spread onto mat with spreader. Peeled from mat in the evening. Perfect! Didn’t even peel it from mat as suggested in video, just peeled!

Hope you see this before the NEC, sorry I didn’t get a move on!



oops, used 47gm sugarveil!



Hi Jayess

Thanks for posting, I’m going to get some now you say it’s so easy. Would be so lovely to make some lacy bits for Christmas. We’re off in the morning leaving about 7am, been so busy today, sorry didn’t get back to you sooner. Will you be coming to the show?


I usually go to the craft bit but not this year. We have decided to visit Christmas market instead. No-one I go with is really interested in the cake show. However my daughter has just started to express an interest in cake decorating so maybe next year (I hope). Have a lovely time. I am envious (but will save lots of money :-))



Hi Jayess

I had a look at the sugarveil but couldn’t justify the £75.00 spend for non profit purposes. Wish I has bought it back in April when it cost £35.00 for a starter kit. Your feedback is still very helpful and you never know, I may justify having it another time. I did buy some Patchwork cutter stencils and a beautiful textured acrylic roller which cuts out a lacy pattern for £15.00 (more my price bracket). Show was great, spent too much on all sorts, but am happy and contented with my purchases. x


Hi madeitwithlove, so glad you enjoyed the exhibition. I bought mine at cakeandbake show for £65. Still a lot of money (and I did sneak it indoors). I don’t know how they can charge so much money. I shan’t be buying any more mats as they are so expensive. When I get some time I am going to experiment a bit. You can spread the icing out and once dried cut into ribbons or punch shapes (I have lots of craft punches). I need to cut down on my spending but find some things too tempting. Shame you are not nearer as I never mind sharing :-).

My friend and I saw some great textured rollers but the show (Excel) closed before we got time to buy one. Hope you have fun with yours. Let us know how you get on with it.

I like patchwork cutters too but have to admit I have many I have never used. I love the shepherd set for Christmas. Lots of friends borrow it too!



Thanks J, I’ll be going to the Excel in the spring and no doubt will be buying lots more stuff I don’t need! x


I bought Sugarveil last year at NEC when the lady who “invented” it was demonstrating (think her name is Michelle). She was so helpful. You have to make sure you leave the made up sugarveil in the fridge overnight before using it. Also once you’ve spread it on the mat it depends on the humidity in the room how long it takes to dry. I made some for a friend to use in the “summer” and because it was so damp and no heating on it took a lot longer to dry.

You can keep the made sheets in a plastic zipped wallet (stationery shop) inbetween greaseproof paper for a few days before use.

I bought a 2nd mat at the NEC in November and am really pleased with it.

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