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asked January 27th 2018

Tall cakes for unusual shapes

Hi, When making a tall shaped cake, I’ve seen people put boards in between to help with the structure of the cake but when it’s shaped you can’t buy cake boards to suit. What do people use or how do they cover? I’ve seen foil used over cardboard, won’t that adhere to the cake layers?


Hi, When making a tall shaped cake, I’ve seen people put boards in between to help with the structure of the cake but when it’s shaped you can’t buy cake boards to suit. What do people use or how do they cover? I’ve seen foil used over cardboard, won’t that adhere to the cake layers?


Hi Kwillers

Most people cut regular boards with scissors or craft knife to fit the shape of the cake. Some people use foam core but I’m not sure how food safe it is. If you want to cut your own board, it can be covered with foil especially used for covering boards as seen here:
…. and here is a tutorial on how to cover a board:

Use the same technique for covering any shaped board.

Hope this helps 🙂

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