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asked July 11th 2012

How to attach fondant letters | Tappits

How to attach fondant letters | Tappits

Can anyone tell me, please, the best way to attatch fondant letters (made with tappits) to a fondant covered cake? I’ve tried sticking them down with edible glue but it looks a bit messy. Would just water be a better idea? I’d appreciate any tips. Thank you


How to attach fondant letters | Tappits

Can anyone tell me, please, the best way to attatch fondant letters (made with tappits) to a fondant covered cake? I’ve tried sticking them down with edible glue but it looks a bit messy. Would just water be a better idea? I’d appreciate any tips. Thank you


I always use water and use a thin brush. Just a tiny amount make sure you don’t soak it or they can slide around. I let mine dry for about 10 mins and add Tylo to the paste so there easier to handle


Thank you I’ll give that a go.


Thank you I’ll give that a go.


I make a “glue” to attach letter to the cake.  In an egg cup put a pea size amount of the sugarpaste add 1/2 tsp of boiling water mix until you get a “glue” you want the consistency of the inside of a cream egg (best thing I could think of to describe it).  Use sparingly if you are a little over zealous it’s not as obvious as your “glue” is the same colour as your sugarpaste.  Hope this helps 🙂


If you had any royal icing handy you could pipe a line on back of letter and position.  If any icing  shows you can remove with a damp brush.  You can also do this with the glue suggested by Queen Fairy,  I would mash the paste with a little clear alcohol (gin, vodka) or boiled water until it is the consistency of a pipeable royal icing,



Thank you very much for your help. Thats what I love about this site – so much expert advise for us newbys!


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