Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 11th 2012


I paid to join specially for the blue nose teedy patterns and tutorial and its not on the website???? saw some of it on youtube so didnt think it was new. where is the pattern as that is the reason i joined?/


I paid to join specially for the blue nose teedy patterns and tutorial and its not on the website???? saw some of it on youtube so didnt think it was new. where is the pattern as that is the reason i joined?/


Hi Ceimy, go to top right of this page and click on “online courses” then go to “all” on the tab at the top, then on page 9 is the teddy cake. Hope you find it.


Hi Ceimy,

Thanks for you feedback and sorry about the trouble you have been having finding the teddy bear course. If you go to this URL you will see it there.

Teddy Bear Cake

It’s also in novelty cakes on the popular tab.

Drop me an email if you have any other problems getting going.

Thanks Jgibb for helping out here.


Paul Doffman
Customer Support


Hi Ceimy

If have have problems downloading the teddy templates please see my answer by putting in the search box
‘teddy bear cake’. (not the one which says templates for teddy bear cake).

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