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asked April 9th 2013

Teddy Bear Cake Display

Hi, I was wanting to make a Teddy Bear Cake as a display but in not sure how to do it. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


Hi, I was wanting to make a Teddy Bear Cake as a display but in not sure how to do it. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


Hi tamaramattar

You could make it from a dummy, www.dummies.direct.co.uk have a 12″ teddy on their site in special shapes. The guy there says he can make any size, his name is Keith and phone number 0121 778 4692. Or you could make one out of either pastillage or Mexican paste which set very hard, then pipe the fur as usual with Royal Icing. I haven’t personally tried this but you could have a go and if successful you’d have it forever! Just a couple of suggestions to toy with.


I have downloaded the Dummies Direct brochure now, I bought my dummies from www.cakecraftworld.com but I also see my local DIY shop sells Polystyrene sheets for insulation, so I was going to try them for dummies too – basically because it is cheaper than buying the dummies, and you can cut shapes you want, inc cupcake sizes too for display etc.

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