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asked November 17th 2015

Teddy bear cake without sugarpaste cover

Hi! Can the pipping on the teddy be done after it has been ganached , without it being covered with sugarpaste? And if so would it dry out? And last but not least should it be stored in the fridge or at room temperture since its mostly cake? Thank you in advance!


Hi! Can the pipping on the teddy be done after it has been ganached , without it being covered with sugarpaste? And if so would it dry out? And last but not least should it be stored in the fridge or at room temperture since its mostly cake? Thank you in advance!


I’m a new member and haven;t got the hang of how the site works quiteyet. Thanks for the heads up! Very helpful!



There are several answers on site already, here are some to look at:

Can I make Tatty Teddy Bear without sugarpaste

Teddy bear cake: Can this be made without sugarpaste?

teddy bear collapse

For more information which you may find useful click on ones relevant to you here:

Hope they all help.


Welcome to the site ATHINA! you’ll soon get the hang of things but if you need help just post in Q & A, everyone is here to help. x


I never use sugarpaste on my teddy(s). I ice it with light chocolate Swiss Meringue and then pipe his fur with the same icing. Looks and tastes beautiful. I always get excited when a project works without fondant! Hope this helps.

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