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asked April 15th 2013

Temperature for baking cupcakes

Would Paul also bake cupcakes at a low temperature for a longer time?


I think 25-30 minutes would be about the right time because it is a runny mixture and needs to be baked on low, the temperature would not change. More information here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/making-cupcake-from-the-moist-chocolate-cake-recipe and here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/chocolate-moist-cupcake. By searching key words like cupcakes, moist cupcakes, Paul’s recipe cupcakes, you may find more feed back from other members. Hope this helps.x


Hi Dean-Mae

If you type in the search box cupcakes you will see lots of answers to help you. X


Thanks I have found lots of useful tips about cupcakes but not much regarding timing and temperature. Has anyone got any ideas please? Amazing how so many, including me, are having trouble with cakes separating from cases. Seems it’s trial and error, but so annoying!

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