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asked January 26th 2013

Textured sheet/ Mat

When using a textured mat/sheet that is smaller than the size of fondant, how do you prevent the edges of the mat cutting into the fondant?
Have checked out Paul’s blog, but he conveniently uses the same sized fondant as the mat.
I tried doing his handbag cake, and the side panel is bigger than my mat, I kept getting lines from the edge of mat, and lost the definition when smoothing it onto the cake.
Any help would be much appreciated


When using a textured mat/sheet that is smaller than the size of fondant, how do you prevent the edges of the mat cutting into the fondant?
Have checked out Paul’s blog, but he conveniently uses the same sized fondant as the mat.
I tried doing his handbag cake, and the side panel is bigger than my mat, I kept getting lines from the edge of mat, and lost the definition when smoothing it onto the cake.
Any help would be much appreciated


I just cut off the straight edges. X


That’s what I do as well.


When you say cut off straight edge, do you mean you join another textured piece on to achieve the size required, like a patchwork quilt, sorry i not understanding when you say cut edge

How do you apply the fondant onto the cake without loosing definition
Thanks again for your time


Hi Ashandiamo

Are you using the small textured mats or the large 20″+ ones The small mats have an edge with no pattern. If you cut the edge off you will have a continual pattern, first place to look is in the new chocolate house tutorial and see how Paul uses the mat to make the brick work for the walls. The large mats are placed on rolled out fondant and the pattern is embossed using the rolling pin. When the fondant is lifted onto the cake don’t use the smoothers, just gently ease the fondant so it sticks and leaves the pattern undisturbed. Cut off the excess as normal. Hope this explanation is clearer, you may be able to find a tutorial on youtube, just google in ‘how to use textured mats’. There used to be a good Wilton tutorial so it may be worth searching for their mats and also the Satin Ice site with Julie Bagshaw (I think that’s how you spell her name).


Thank you MWL, I did notice Paul’s new tutorial, will check it out.
I am using the smaller textured mats, so will check the edges, I thought you meant cut edges on the fondant!!!!!! Muppet!!!!!
Just need practise when applying the fondant without disturbing the pattern
Again thanks for your time


You’re welcome Ashandiamo, the new tutorial is brilliant and shows the mat very clearly, you’ll get it as soon as you see it. x


Yes, I just got it!!!!!!
Pity I hadn’t spotted it last night, would have made a better job of my handbag, always learning, thanks to everyone’s help

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