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asked September 6th 2012

“the paste” versus Squires Kitchen Flower Paste

I am wondering if anyone has used “the paste” brand of flower paste and how it stacked up against other brands such as Squires Kitchen? I am looking at investing in some colours but wanted to see if there were any strong thoughts from the community first.


I am wondering if anyone has used “the paste” brand of flower paste and how it stacked up against other brands such as Squires Kitchen? I am looking at investing in some colours but wanted to see if there were any strong thoughts from the community first.



I haven’t come across this brand of paste, I googled it out of curiosity to see what ingredients it is made from.
Ready made flower/modelling pastes have the advantage on being the same consistency all the time. Squires is a good make, although a little expensive. I use Squires for special occasion cakes, and make my own for general every day stuff. There are other answers and recipes on the site about flower /modelling pastes, just put gumpaste/flower or modelling paste in the search box and you’ll see them. Sorry I can’t help more, can’t comment on something I haven’t used.


Hi, I have used The Paste. It was very sticky to start with, but I persevered (waste not want not!) and after liberally using cornflour it eventually changed into a state that I could work with. I then found it very nice to work with and will probably use it again as I think I prefer it to Squire’s Kitchen’s.


it is my friend Sarah who makes The Paste and i wont use any other now, having used both Squires and hers i prefer hers as its easier to work with and not so tough on your hands… it is more sticky to start with but a little icing sugar dusted or cornflour and its fine..

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