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asked February 9th 2020

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.


Please can you assist with the following queries based on the White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial:

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.
You state that the Baking Time and Oven Temperature
For 1 x 8″ round cake (3″ depth) = 30 mins.
180C fan assisted.

Under the Comments for the Punk Rocker Tutorial:

Punk Rocker

You state 1 x 10″ round cake (3″ depth) – 2hrs at 140C (fan assisted).

So 1 x 8″ round cake bake for 30mins.
Yet 1 x 10″ round cake bake for 2hours?

1 x 8″ round cake bake 180C fan assisted.
1 x 10″ round cake bake 140C fan assisted.

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.
You state
250g milk – is the Blue or Green milk?

Cake Recipe Calculator
The milk contents are missing?

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.
What is the White Chocolate Cocoa Solids?

Thank you.



Please can you assist with the following queries based on the White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial:

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.
You state that the Baking Time and Oven Temperature
For 1 x 8″ round cake (3″ depth) = 30 mins.
180C fan assisted.

Under the Comments for the Punk Rocker Tutorial:

Punk Rocker

You state 1 x 10″ round cake (3″ depth) – 2hrs at 140C (fan assisted).

So 1 x 8″ round cake bake for 30mins.
Yet 1 x 10″ round cake bake for 2hours?

1 x 8″ round cake bake 180C fan assisted.
1 x 10″ round cake bake 140C fan assisted.

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.
You state
250g milk – is the Blue or Green milk?

Cake Recipe Calculator
The milk contents are missing?

The Red Velvet and White Chocolate Mud Cake tutorial.
What is the White Chocolate Cocoa Solids?

Thank you.


Green= semi skimmed milk?


Hi Sky64,

Sorry that the Milk was missed from the calculator, which has now been added.

Paul used semi-skimmed milk, but normal milk will also work just as well.

The 8″ bake time was based on the cake being 1.5″ depth and the 10″ being at 3″ depth.

Paul suggests checking the oven after 90mins, but he hasn’t baked this recipe at 10″ x 3″ so this is just his best guess.


So for 10″ Round x 3″ deep – 90mins at 140 fan assisted oven?


Sorry, So for 10″ Round x 3″ deep – 90mins approx – then:
1)140 fan assisted oven?
2)390g Semi Skimmed Milk?
3)What is the White Chocolate Cocoa Solids %?

Thank you.


Hi Skye64

I think David has answered points (1) & (2) above.

The white chocolate appears to be a cookies and cream eating bar. I expect it can be purchased in most supermarkets. If you would prefer to use professional chocolate, I can recommend either Callebaut pistols 27% cocoa solids or Belcolade, which contains similar properties. I think Paul has used an eating bar in his recipe for ease of accessibility to all.


Not sure where point 1) was answered as in the tutorial it states 180C fan assisted – yet when I commented on the punk rocker cake I was advised 140C.

Thank You.


Hi Sky64

As I understand it from David’s replies above, the 10″ round x 3″ deep cake takes 2hrs to bake. However, he says it should be checked after 90 minutes to gauge baking progress, then bake on until done. David has mentioned that Paul has not baked this cake in a deep tin so this is his best guess.

In my oven, I would be checking after 1 hr 20 minutes, continue to bake until done. As all ovens bake very differently and as this is your first time of baking the recipe, it is best to babysit the cake and let your eyes and nose be your best friends. Depending on recipes, the temperature for deeper cakes should be reduced to allow the centre of the cake to heat up and catch up baking with the sides which cook faster. That’s why the temperature is given as 140c fan, from Paul’s experience.

Layer pans of 1.5″ have a shallower amount of batter so, they can be baked at a higher temperature for a much shorter time. Hence Paul has given bake time of 30 minutes at 180c fan. If you have 10″ shallow pans, there is no reason why the batter could not be cooked on a higher temperature for the shorter period of approximately 50 minutes.

In my own oven, I would bake the 8″ layer pans at 170c fan for 35 minutes and the 10″ layer pans at 170c fan for approximately 50 -55 minutes or until baked. Your oven may be different again but you will have experience of how it bakes and therefore be able to gauge its ferocity. Recipes do include bake timings, these timings are
are not a given, they are merely an approximation. Each individual baker finds the best temperature and time their own oven produces.

The following blog may be of interest:

Baking Problems and Solutions by madeitwithlove

Hope this helps.


Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.


You are welcome Sky64. You have nothing to be sorry for, there was no inconvenience. 🙂 X

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