Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 3rd 2015


Hi everyone..
Does anyone have any advice please on how long a cake can be Iced before eating? Keri and I are going away for 5 days and back the same day a cake is asked for.. can we ganeche and ice it before we go and just put finishing touches when we get back? x


Hi everyone..
Does anyone have any advice please on how long a cake can be Iced before eating? Keri and I are going away for 5 days and back the same day a cake is asked for.. can we ganeche and ice it before we go and just put finishing touches when we get back? x


Hello keltikbanshee

Some answers here might help http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/storing-cakes
And if you type in the search box ‘how far in advance’ the are lots of related answers.
How long a cake can be kept depends on what type of recipe and fillings you are using. The best keeping recipes are madeira cake and chocolate mudcake. Madeira has shelf life of approx 2 weeks from baking to eating at room temperature, mud cakes approx 7 days. Sponge cake 5 days. Cakes must be stored in a cool room in a card board box and must not contain fast perishable fillings like cream cheese or fresh cream and fresh fuit.
Please try and read through the related answers for better information. Hope this helps, have a good holiday.

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