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Timing conversions
There is some great conversion charts re upsizing/downsizing cake quantities but I am not clear how to reduce/increase the time in oven. Is there a conversion formula I can use?
There is some great conversion charts re upsizing/downsizing cake quantities but I am not clear how to reduce/increase the time in oven. Is there a conversion formula I can use?
wilton has a nice chart at
I hope it helps!
Hi Annie
Unfortunately the is no hard formula for timings because all ovens are different. and timings are give as a guide only and not as a rule. Have a look at my answer here:
In that answer is another link which will take you to my blog on baking problems and solutions. It covers timing and why we should treat given times as guides only. I normally baby sit all new recipes/ cake sizes when baking for the first time and jot the timing down for future reference. Hope this helps.