Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 15th 2013

To shop or not ?

Hi all
Im having a right struggle with the prospect of just going for it and opening a shop. A shop has become available that would be perfect – i’m in turmoil. I’m in a good job with family-chief bread winner and am so scared of leaving to work to open shop and then get no custom. is there ever a good time -do you wait for a significant custom base from home. its so frightening. help xx


Hi all
Im having a right struggle with the prospect of just going for it and opening a shop. A shop has become available that would be perfect – i’m in turmoil. I’m in a good job with family-chief bread winner and am so scared of leaving to work to open shop and then get no custom. is there ever a good time -do you wait for a significant custom base from home. its so frightening. help xx


Hi Sharon, I was in a similar position when the only cake shop in my town closed down (retirement) and I happened to mention it to Paul when I was on a course and he was saying I should try and get the shop as it was all set-up with the equipment etc. However, I had also been on the cake business course with David and I could hear his voice in my head saying ‘is it in the business plan?’! The answer was yes, but not for another three years as I was literally just starting out and had no reputation and a very small customer base. Other things I considered were do I want to work on the weekend or Saturdays anyway (no), do I have a business partner or potential staff (no), is it where I would choose to have my shop (no, on a side street with no passing trade), do I have finances in place (no). So I let it go and it was converted back to a flat, which it was originally, so at least it’s not competition! Just some things to think about!


I know the feeling. I’m just starting out and working from home – this keeps the costs down, and I can work as and when I can. I have the advantage of being disabled so I do not have a full time job, however, there are lots of things to consider. Are you a Pro-Member as there are lots of things that David talks about in there, one being overheads – rent, rates, shop fittings, etc. There is a lot to take into account.


Hi Sharon

You’re obviously really keen to get started and I really think you’d benefit from the pro courses. It will definitely point you in the right direction especially as you quite naturally have concerns about leaving a good job. Have a browse in the pro section, at least you’ll get a good idea from the advice there. Good luck if you decide to go ahead with the shop. x


Thanks everyone.
I am a pro member i think thats why i have been struggling- doodlecake you nailed it !! Its not my business plan and that’s why i am struggling because its not the right time. Decision made stick to plan. If nothing else i have seen what I want and have an idea for my eventual shop – build my portfolio and customer base. Its just what i needed to hear. Thank you soo much x


Happy to help! I don’t think David’s running that course now as its been replaced by Pro-membership but it was really useful! I figure it will be the right time to go for it when my head and my heart (and my husband!) all say yes x

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