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Has anybody made one and could share with me need Windows etc
Hi Alicain
I haven’t made a transit minibus cake so the only I way I would attempt it is to follow Paul’s fire engine tutorial as a guide to stacking, carving and gauging proportions when scaling them on the cake.
Download some images or take pictures of a real transit mini bus to use as guide for the proportions as described by Paul in his tutorial. Here is some clip art which can be downloaded:
For windows can be done as Paul has for the fire engine. Another way would be to use gelatine. There’s a suggested site to view in my answer here:
For more suggestions, type in the search box ‘car windows’
I hope this helps. Please let me know whether the clip art link opens ok, I’ve tried it and it works for me. Hopefully other members will offer more suggestions. x
Hi yes it opens thankyou
Hi Alicain
I think you will need to create an account on that site to be able to access free downloads. Scroll down to the bottom of the page which opens and click on free samples.