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Transporting a wedding cake
Hi everybody.
I will be making my son’s wedding cake for his October wedding. I live about 500 miles from the venue. Can anyone give me some advice on the best to get it to the venue in one piece please.
Hi everybody.
I will be making my son’s wedding cake for his October wedding. I live about 500 miles from the venue. Can anyone give me some advice on the best to get it to the venue in one piece please.
Thank you, you have been a great help.
Hi Rosie
Since you’re travelling 500 miles it would be safer to transport the cakes either double stacked or individually and finish of at the venue. Here’s what Paul did in a similar situation:
For more information there are a couple of pages of discussion on transporting cake here:
click on the topics most appropriate to you. There should also be some discussion on transporting the decorations and the importance of taking along an emergency repair kit.
Available on the market are several stacking systems which allow cakes to be transported fully stacked. Here is one: http://www.sturdycakestackers.com/
Dawn Butler has her cake frame which also acts as a transporting system.
Travel cake boxes completely flat on non slip mats in the boot of your vehicle. Non slip mats can be bought on a roll from various outlets and look like this:
Hope this helps but please post again if you have more questions.
You’re welcome Rosie!