Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 22nd 2015

Troublesome Westie

Hi! Iv just finished making a Westie from the tutorials and I found that my dogs head fell off after it was covered in ganache. I tried putting an extra dowel and more ganache but it keeps falling off.
Any tips on how to keep him from beheading?
Iv made a gift box in front of him now to hold his head up and it looks really cute (and like its suppose to be that way). But for future cakes I’m a bit nervous.


Hi! Iv just finished making a Westie from the tutorials and I found that my dogs head fell off after it was covered in ganache. I tried putting an extra dowel and more ganache but it keeps falling off.
Any tips on how to keep him from beheading?
Iv made a gift box in front of him now to hold his head up and it looks really cute (and like its suppose to be that way). But for future cakes I’m a bit nervous.


Hi jennifer

I had this happen to me on the teddy cake which is a lot smaller but still stressful when the head falls off!! It helps to use a dowel which goes all the way down through the whole cake. Chill the cake really well after dowelling and before ganaching and then chill well after each subsequent ganaching. I think you’ve had a bit of bad luck this time, it doesn’t mean it will happen again. Well done for rescuing the situation, your cake sounds really cute.


Thank you so much! That is great advice, will be more confident about my next one! Would be good if you could put pictures up on this Q&A.


Hi jennifer

Paul has a google community page where you can share your picture. You can join his page here:

Look forward to seeing your pics there!


Perfect! Il post on it just now 🙂 thanks again


You’re welcome! I’ll look out for it.


That’s so lovely jennifer! I just had a quick look. I haven’t joined community so couldn’t leave a comment for you there. I know Paul will be delighted with your effort, he loves members sharing their work.

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