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asked January 4th 2015

Tubing to make handles

Hiya…I am making a replica mulberry handbag cake…kind of last minute……and I know of Cakers who make the handles from flexible tubing covered in SP…and then put the open ends over skewers that are secured into the cake…..anyone have any idea where I would get such a product?…
I am panic stricken…don’t have much time….thanks in advance….Linda x


Hiya…I am making a replica mulberry handbag cake…kind of last minute……and I know of Cakers who make the handles from flexible tubing covered in SP…and then put the open ends over skewers that are secured into the cake…..anyone have any idea where I would get such a product?…
I am panic stricken…don’t have much time….thanks in advance….Linda x


Hello Linda

I think you may be thinking of flexible gooseneck tubing as seen here:

Take a look at some of the suppliers in the above link. You may also be able to get it locally in electrical suppliers or hardware shops. Thats the only thing I can think of, hope it helps!

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