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asked July 10th 2013

Two hours too long chocolate cake??

Hi there! I’m baking your moist chocolate cake for the First time. However I’m using my bakery oven and I’m really worried about the two hours baking time! My Cakes have been in the oven for one hour nos and it looks ready. I don’t wanna open the owen.


Hi there! I’m baking your moist chocolate cake for the First time. However I’m using my bakery oven and I’m really worried about the two hours baking time! My Cakes have been in the oven for one hour nos and it looks ready. I don’t wanna open the owen.


Actually I can answer this question myself now:-) I took it out of the owen after 1 hour and 14 min. It is ready but it feels a bit dry. I will let it cool and I will get back with a response!


Hi CakesOfMine

I guess the temperature controls would be more sensitive in a bakery oven giving better variations on cook time to ensure moistness. This will probably be a case of trial and error until you can establish a suitable temperature. I suspect the cake is slightly over baked hence it seems dry. The cake itself actually softens when wrapped up so you may just need to adjust the temperature next bake and keep to the same time. Your question is very interesting, something out of the normal and feed back would be great.


Well everyone! Now I’ve got the answer on the BIG question! I tried it on my whole family and everyone ( 10 kids and 6 adults ) said YUMMIE! So moist! And then I might add that I didn’t serve it as a cake with filling or frosting! Just simply as a sponge! So if you bake it in a professional bakery owen ( mine anyhow) it was perfect with 150 degrees c in 1 h and 14 min. So now you know:-) happy baking and cakeing!


In my house we eat it with a little creme fraiche, it’s a regular treat. Great result. Happy baking to you too!


I did two 8″ and pulled them after 1:20 at 280F (home convection). Perfect!

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