Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 24th 2013

Two questions

I have used Mrs Jones vanilla sponge cake recipe and think its one of the best around. If I wanted to use the same recipe and quantity of ingredients as the online tutorial what would I need to do to make it a chocolate sponge? Second part of the question is I’ve now been asked to do a couple of wedding cakes with sponge tiers. Has anyone used this recipe for wedding cakes and was it ok? Sponge is not my strong point although I am getting a lot better 🙂


I have used Mrs Jones vanilla sponge cake recipe and think its one of the best around. If I wanted to use the same recipe and quantity of ingredients as the online tutorial what would I need to do to make it a chocolate sponge? Second part of the question is I’ve now been asked to do a couple of wedding cakes with sponge tiers. Has anyone used this recipe for wedding cakes and was it ok? Sponge is not my strong point although I am getting a lot better 🙂


Hi scarlet

You can replace some of the flour with coco powder to make chocolate cake. Usually for every 125g of flour 25g of it can be substituted with coco powder. If you want it more/less chocolatey either increase or decrease to your taste. I know other members have used the recipe for different tutorial cakes and have been very pleased with it, I have used it for birthday cakes and have to say it is really lovely. I’m sure it will make a wonderful wedding sponge providing you will be stacking it with similar weight cakes. Personally I don’t think I would stack a heavier sponge on it, although other members may be able to give a more definite answer. If you follow Mrs Jones’ tutorial your sponge will be perfect! x


Thank you so much MIWL. Very nervous about the wedding cakes x


Good luck Scarlett. x

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