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asked July 17th 2012

type of cake

I really need help deciding what type of cake is best for stacking cakes or topsy turvy? sponge? bundt recipe,what’s a mud cake?  Also. I find that as wonderful tasting as Swissmeringue tastes, it seems to “deflate” stationed in fridge and is too soft for using when you will be covering with fondant.  The regularis icing sugar/butter recipes  are muchmore stable but taste sickeningly sweet.  Any advice..I’m in Canada!…help!!


I really need help deciding what type of cake is best for stacking cakes or topsy turvy? sponge? bundt recipe,what’s a mud cake?  Also. I find that as wonderful tasting as Swissmeringue tastes, it seems to “deflate” stationed in fridge and is too soft for using when you will be covering with fondant.  The regularis icing sugar/butter recipes  are muchmore stable but taste sickeningly sweet.  Any advice..I’m in Canada!…help!!


Hi there,

I’m not too sure what the exact description of a mud cake is as i think there are quite a few variations of it. In the past, Paul’s moist chocolate cake recipe has proven successful for me when stacking a cake, and has always had a good response from those eating it too. It is under the free online course section, but here is a link to it: http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/free/moist-chocolate-recipe

As for the Swissmeringue, I haven’t used this before so I’m not the best person to comment. However i have found when making cupcakes, and not a cake that is going to be covered in fondant, a good alternative for butter cream is cream cheese frosting. My dad finds butter cream too sickly but enjoys the flavor of the cream cheese frosting so it may be worth a try!

Hope this helps.



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Mud cake is very dense I find. I much prefer Paul’s or lindy smiths fudge cake. It’s a lot heavier and I find it takes ages to cook but tastes nice.

Ive made Swiss meringue buttercream once an personally didn’t like it as it tasted like a chunk of butter I must prefer sweet.

Cream cheese is really nice i use marscapone cheese usually. I also add milk into my regular buttercream to take away the heavy sweetness


If you don’t want to use buttercream you could just use apricot jam to stick the fondant on. I’ve also read you can use two layers of fondant instead of  buttercream and fondant to get a smooth finish but I haven’t tried it myself yet!

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